Returns & Delivery
Päikeseprillid, mis sobivad ideaalselt igapäevaseks kandmiseks.
- uduvastased läätsed
- 100% UV kaitse
- löögikindlad polükarbonaadist läätsed
- polükarbonaadist raam
- seest ääristatud pehme vahuga (eemaldatav)
- ANSI Z87.1 -2015+
- RX valmidus
- CE sertifikaat
- raami värv: matt must
- läätse värv: merevaigutooni
Returns and Exchanges
There are a few important things to keep in mind when returning a product you purchased.You can return unwanted items by post within 7 working days of receipt of your goods.- You have 14 calendar days to return an item from the date you received it.
- Only items that have been purchased directly from Us.
- Please ensure that the item you are returning is repackaged with all elements.